
Monthly Market Report

Dubai bucks the world trend as sales boom with a near 2% monthly price rise – and no immediate property price falls in prospect. The new development off-plan market returns to dominance with no supply slowdown in sight. As the USA, China and European markets feel the pain, Dubai powers on with a monthly property […]

Year-to-date sales eclipse 2021 totals as the market powers on and prices surge. New high-end and luxury development launches shift off-plan sales into a high gear, sending rental yields and sales levels racing towards near all-time highs. Monthly property price appreciation jumps to highest level since June last year, increasing 2.06% Transactions in first three […]

Strongest August on record, as new development launches and off-plan sales turbo-charge transaction volumes towards record high. Year-to-date sales just shy of passing 2021 with four months to spare, as prices bounce back.

Although the market remains strong, the froth has come off in the summer heat. A second consecutive month of price declines as both sales and mortgage transactions volumes fall.

In spite of record transaction volumes, prices fall for the first time this year. New development launches surge to new heights as an end to the current boom market cycle comes into view.